Mueller (Kitchener) Park is City of Subiaco’s most high profile and busiest parks. It is an old park with heritage values, and Horizon West was contracted to install the new irrigation system.
Project Scope: New POS Irrigation System
Project Timeline: Commenced October 2014, Completed November 2014
The irrigation system comprised a new purple pipe mainline, 48 solenoid valves, and 4.3ha of sprinklers and lateral piping. The project has been designed with a high degree of water efficiency, and taking into account separate hydrozones.
Although there was not much challenging in regards to the irrigation installation, the park remaining open to the public and with a high amount of pedestrian traffic made this project slightly more difficult. All irrigation trenches had to be turf cut, lifted and relayed, and Horizon West as able to install and commission the mainline within 6 days, to enable watering to turf stations on the day of installation. This shortened recovery time of the turfing and maximised park usage for the local residents. The project outcome was a successful one, with the City of Subiaco having no defects listed at PC, and the council representative is only too happy to provide a reference for our work.